audio + Video
extended Radio pieces
“Choosing words that deepen the argument of being alive”: an hour-long conversation with Krista Tippett and Marilyn Nelson, September 2018.
A public conversation with myself and Marie Howe, hosted by Micah Lott of Boston College, from the Festival of Faith and Writing in the USA in 2018.
"Belonging Creates and Undoes Us Both": An hour-long interview with Krista Tippett on "On Being" March 2017.
"Pain is the Poem": An hour-long interview with Dr. Rachael Kohn on ABC Radio National's "The Spirit of Things" in September 2016.
"In the Shelter" - a reflection piece for BBC Radio 4's programme "Something Understood"
"Sunday Morning With..." on BBC Radio Scotland, October 2014.
Shorter radio pieces are embedded in this website and can be found here.
Audio: poetry and talks
Sorry for your Troubles audio book available here.
You can find Hymns to Swear By (spoken word and music) available for download here.
Other audio of poetry (including free downloads) available here.
Remarkable Richard from the Good Book Shop in Belfast has posted part 1 and part 2 of an interview about 'Readings from the Book of Exile'
Reflections from Northern Ireland, keynote given at St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, USA for their annual "Global Security" lecture, November 2013. Presented by Dr. Aaron Tyler.
Keynote from "Love Across the Spectrum" conference at Ohio Wesleyan University,November 2013.
Talk "Stories about Stories" given at Revolution NYC Church August 2012
"Creed" (from Readings from the Book of Exile) performed while on the Insurrection tour with Peter Peter Rollins, 2010.
Video recorded by Bala Boyd of Gypsy House Productions.
"Maranatha" performed while on the Insurrection tour with Peter Peter Rollins, 2010. Be aware: Strong language.
Video recorded by Bala Boyd of Gypsy House Productions.
"In the name" from the Insurrection Tour with Peter Rollins, 2010. This poem is an ongoing and evolving poem, it'll be in the next book.
Video recorded by Bala Boyd of Gypsy House Productions.