poetry and prose:
Poems featured or forthcoming in the following publications or platforms: Academy of American Poets, Post Road, Cream City Review, Holden Village Voice, On Being, Gutter, America.
Extended interviews with On Being and ABC Spirit of Things.
The Place Between, chapter in Between Here and There, Tim Carson [ed.] Lutterworth Press, 2019. (full chapter available here)
Daily Prayer from the Corrymeela Community, Canterbury Press, 2017.
In the Shelter Hodder & Stoughton and Hachette Ireland, Feb 2015.
Sorry for your Troubles. Norwich, Canterbury Press, 2013
Readings from the Books of Exile. Norwich, Canterbury Press, 2012 .
“Human in the City” and 12 poems, Discovering the Spirit in the City. London: Continuum 2010.